Below are cutaways for each Rifle Die we manufacture. The only way to identify what die you have and it's function is by its appearance. From top to bottom, they are:
Full Length Sizing Die
Dead Length Bullet Seating Die
Collet Neck Sizing Die
Collet style Factory Crimp Die.
Full Length Sizing Die = Will full length resize cases that have been fired in any gun, expand the case mouth with an expander ball on the Decapping Rod and remove the spent primer. Case lube is required. Full length sizing ensures that the cases will chamber in any other gun of the same caliber. Recommended for use with any type of firearm but should definitely be used for semi-auto, slide or lever action guns, as well as any that have not been fired out of your rifle, to ensure positive feeding and chambering. Also recommend using this type of die when using a progressive style press.
Dead Length Bullet Seating Die
Bullet Seating & Crimping Die
Bullet Seating & Crimping Die (included with PaceSetter 2-die sets) = Will seat your bullet and perform either a roll or taper crimp, depending on how you adjust your die. (Features wrench flats at the top of the die, like the Full Length Sizing Die, for adjustment.) -or-Dead Length Bullet Seating Die (included with PaceSetter 3-die sets) = Will seat your bullet, easily adjustable. Does not crimp.
Collet Neck Sizing Die = Will resize only the neck portion of fire formed cases. Only recommended for use in bolt action or single shot rifles. Cases that you plan to Collet Neck Size should have been last fired in a gun and only reloaded for use in that very same gun.
Collet Style Factory Crimp Die = Will crimp your cases with a segmented straight crimp, similar to factory made ammo.
On each die there will be a series of stamped letters and numbers, such as: LEE - 30/06 - B9. The stamping indicates we manufactured it (LEE) and the caliber (30/06). The Letter/Number combo stamped on our reloading dies are an internal manufacturing date code telling us when we made the dies. The Letter represents a month and the number represents the year, starting in 2000. For example A6 = January 2006, B6 = February 2006, etc. In years that have the same last number, such as "0", it could represent either 2000 or 2010. This stamping will not tell us what die you have, only when we made the die.